Network Maintenance

Advanced Network Consulting offers infrastructure design services for both local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). Whether the project is a new network, an upgrade or expanding an existing network, our network engineers will create a plan that is tailored to your unique needs….

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Server Installation

Servers are the key component to any business network. When installed and maintained properly, servers are the backbone of all organizations and are critical to staying in business and staying profitable. Having reliable, secure servers provide the peace of mind necessary to allow businesses…

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We understand the needs of all businesses, but Non Profits in particular, have many more budgetary constraints.  Monies earmarked for specific items and programs, services with specifications sometimes dictated by the government, all the while having to justify the costs associated with running said…

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MessageDisk Hosted Exchange

It’s not just for big business anymore! Previously only suitable for large corporations, Microsoft’s recent enhancements to the Exchange Server platform have placed its collaborative features in reach of small business. Now, employees can have rich, efficient access to e-mail, calendars, contacts, and more…

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